Keynote Presentations & Seminars
That Awaken Purpose, Productivity &
Passionate Living
Keynote Presentations & Seminars That Awaken Purpose, Productivity & Passionate Living
Reverend Rebekah Carpenter is the author of Awakening: 12 Tools to Unlock Ultimate Potential.
“As an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), I am blessed to be part of a tradition that lives out that great phrase “Reformed and always being Reformed” – an ongoing process of death and rebirth… of dying to the old self and rising to the new. In living this out, we honor the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who embodied this process in the deepest and most profound way possible. As you move through the tools in this book, and you live into this death and rebirth process yourself – dying to outdated behaviors, paradigms, identities, and relationships, discovering your own voice, gifts, identities, passions, and purposes; then refocusing, redesigning and rebirthing into who you are meant to be, know that the Spirit of God is right there, in and through it all, as you balance self-reflection and self-growth with concrete actions to help heal the planet. God bless you on this powerful journey of awakening. You will never be the same.” Request a copy now by emailing carpenterrebekah@yahoo.com.
Phone: (828) 333-9779
Email: carpenterrebekah@yahoo.com
2024 Rebekah Carpenter, M. DIV., M.A., Awakening Voices Productions | Powered by Cultivation Network