Rebekah Carpenter, M. DIV, M.A.
The primary mission of Rebekah’s life-long research has been to create keynote presentations, leadership development seminars, and write a book and facilitator’s guide that help individuals and organizations move towards permanent change and empowerment – what Rebekah calls “permanent awakening”.
Rebekah’s keynote presentations, leadership development seminars, her book and facilitator’s guide help individuals and organizations learn how to holistically and continuously be increasing and maintaining their levels of critical thinking, innovation, vitality, creativity, teamwork, authentic passion and inspired productivity on more and more of a permanent basis. This leads individuals and organizations not toward temporary results, but increases their possibilities for experiencing permanent empowerment and permanent culture change.
Rebekah’s keynote presentations, leadership development seminars, her book and facilitator’s guide help individuals and organizations learn how to holistically and continuously be increasing and maintaining their levels of critical thinking, innovation, vitality, creativity, teamwork, authentic passion and inspired productivity on more and more of a permanent basis. This leads individuals and organizations not toward temporary results, but increases their possibilities for experiencing permanent empowerment and permanent culture change.