
Keynote Presentations & Seminars

That Awaken Purpose, Productivity &

Passionate Living

Keynote Presentations & Seminars That Awaken Purpose, Productivity & Passionate Living

Featuring Rev. Rebekah Carpenter, M. DIV, M.A.

Non-Profit Keynote Seminars & Presentations

Are you the Executive Director or President of a non-profit organization? Are you planning a special event for your employees? Are you part of a planning committee for an event or conference for non-profit leaders from across the state or nation?

Non-Profit Keynote Presentation "Awaken Your Voice and the Voice of Others"

Consider kicking off your event with Rebekah’s keynote Awaken Your Voice and the Voice of Others. Through riveting character portrayals, breathtaking a cappella music and powerful storytelling, non-profit leaders and employees will be mesmerized from start to finish as they watch this keynote. They will walk away deeply energized and inspired. They will learn critical behaviors and paradigms they can use while working in the non-profit environment. These behaviors and paradigms help them create a non-profit organization that is continuously increasing and maintaining vitality, creativity, productivity and accountability on more and more of a permanent basis.

Consider taking the employees attending your event or conference from this powerful keynote into break-out sessions that are leadership development seminars.

These seminars give non-profit leaders a treasure trove of practical tools and information for non-profit capacity building, viability, visibility and permanent longevity. The leadership tools and information set into motion parts of a continuous death and rebirth cycle within non-profit leaders and their non-profit organizations. This continuous cycle is central to the permanent awakening process that is Rebekah’s mission and includes: death of outdated behaviors, identities, paradigms and relationships, discovery of the authentic voice, gifts, identities, passions and purposes of non-profit leaders, board members, employees and the organization, and a re-focusing and designing of the non-profit organization based on these discoveries. This continuous cycle moves the non-profit organization away from outdated methods of fundraising, board engagement, volunteer coordination and publicizing information and moves them towards using vibrant, updated methods for permanent success and longevity.

The leadership development seminars can also stand alone as a two-day seminar for the leaders within your non-profit.

Debriefing Session following "Awaken Your Voice and the Voice of Others"

(This makes an ideal 2 hour break-out session after the performance of this keynote)

This debriefing session gives the audience the opportunity to:

1) Verbalize, process and reinforce what was experienced and learned while watching the keynote.

2) Learn new behaviors and paradigms based on the character portrayals that ignite the death and rebirth cycle within non-profit employees and non-profit organizations. This cycle is central to the permanent awakening process that is Rebekah’s mission and includes: death of employee and organization outdated behaviors, paradigms, identities and relationships, discovery of the authentic voice, gifts, identities, passions and purposes of non-profit employees and the non-profit organization, and a re-focusing and designing of non-profit employees and the non-profit organization based on these discoveries.

The behaviors and paradigms taught in this debriefing session help non-profit leaders and employees learn how to draw out the innate voice, gifts, identities, passions and purposes from the people on their teams. This moves non-profit employees and especially non­ profit leaders away from any identity that would promote dependence, and moves them towards an identity that promotes forming authentic partnerships with employees and supporting employees in rising up and taking ownership and leadership. This creates an organizational culture where every employee is accountable for the success of the entire non-profit organization. This also supports the non-profit organization’s ability to be able to consistently raise and maintain its levels of vitality, creativity, productivity and accountability on more and more of a permanent basis.

Non-Profit Leadership Development Two-Day Seminar "Creating Awakening for Your Non-Profit Organization"

Typically 2 Days (Breakout Sessions Available)

This two-day seminar can:

• Follow Rebekah’s powerful keynote: “Awaken Your Voice and the Voice of Others” by providing two full days of break-out sessions at your event or conference

• Stand alone as a one-day seminar at your work site or at a retreat location

For: Leaders  throughout non-profit organizations who are responsible for directing and planning growth and development initiatives

Purpose: This two-day seminar gives non-profit leaders a treasure troll of practical tools and information for non-profit capacity building, viability, visibility and permanent longevity. The leadership tools and information set into motion parts of a continuous death and rebirth cycle within non-profit leaders and their non-profit organizations. This continuous cycle is central to the permanent awakening process that is Rebekah’s mission and includes: death of outdated behaviors, identities, paradigms and relationships, discovery of the authentic voice, gifts, identities, passions and purposes of non-profit leaders, board members, employees and the organization, and a re-focusing and designing of the non-profit organization based on these discoveries.

This continuous cycle moves the non-profit organization away from outdated methods of fundraising, board engagement, volunteer coordination and publicizing information and moves them towards using vibrant, updated methods for permanent success and longevity. These methods help non­ profit organizations continuously increase and maintain vitality, creativity, productivity and accountability among their employees, board members, volunteers and the general public. This occurs on more and more of a permanent basis.


21st Century Fundraising: Courting Your Donors
• Instead of depending on fundraisers and grants, use the tools in this seminar to equip the leaders and employees of your non-profit to court and engage the donors you already have. Your donors will remember you, increase their donations, and continue to contribute to your non-profit long into the future.

Keeping Your Board Consistently Engaged and Excited About Your Non­-Profit
• This seminar will teach the leaders of your non-profit how to create greater engagement, passion, and higher levels of accountability from your board members.


Making the Most of What You Already Have

• Stop spending hours of your time, your board’s time, and your volunteers’ time trying to come up with new initiatives to help your non-profit gain visibility and increase your volunteer base.

This seminar will equip the leaders of your non-profit:

■ Increase the benefits of the fundraisers your non-profit is already committed to
■ Make the most of partnerships, relationships, and volunteers you already have
■ Maximize the power of your newsletters
■ Capitalize on the unemployed population

Creating and Maintaining a Legacy Program

This seminar will teach the leaders of your non-profit how to create and maintain a legacy program that is consistently communicating to your donors and the public at large about how to leave a legacy gift to your non-profit through wins and estate planning.

Other Seminars Available For Non-Profit Leaders

Time Management Streamlining Process, Managing Interruptions For Greater Productivity, Listening/Communication Process, Running Efficient & Creative Meetings, Building Consensus, Organization of Desk & Planner, Email Etiquette, Goal Setting & Project Process

Book Chapter Workshops

Rebekah is the author of Awakening – 12 Tools To Unlock Ultimate Potential (one version with devotions and one without), and an accompanying Facilitator’s Guide for small groups. She offers book chapter workshops based on each chapter in her book that make ideal 2-hour stand-alone workshops or great break-out sessions.  The book chapter workshops are designed to place non-profit employees in the continuous death and rebirth cycle central to the permanent awakening process that is Rebekah’s mission. This cycle includes: death of outdated behaviors, paradigms, identities and relationships, discovery of the non-profit employees’ authentic voice, gifts, identities, passions and purposes, and a refocusing and designing of their life based on these discoveries.  Working in the non-profit environment can be stressful. If those who work for non-profit organizations can experience continuous rejuvenation and renewal, they become more effective and genuinely energized when working with their boards, volunteers, employees and with the populations their non-profit serves. The book chapter workshops give non­ profit employees the gift of continuous rejuvenation and renewal. Their individual vitality, creativity, productivity and accountability increase and these increased levels can be maintained for longer periods of time. This occurs on more and more of a permanent basis. The effects of this transformation spread as non-profit employees become role models and positively impact their teams and the entire non-profit organization.

For more information on how to purchase any of these books, to schedule a keynote presentation, seminar or break out session,  or for scheduling and pricing: