
Keynote Presentations & Seminars

That Awaken Purpose, Productivity &

Passionate Living

Keynote Presentations & Seminars That Awaken Purpose, Productivity & Passionate Living

Featuring Rev. Rebekah Carpenter, M. DIV, M.A.

About Rebekah

“I wrote the words on this page ten years ago. I now believe God placed these words in my heart and soul because God knew what the state of the world would look like today: global mistrust of leadership of all kinds and global division. I praise and give thanks to God that God saw the need for global awakening coming and is allowing me and many others the privilege of using each of our unique God given gifts and approaches to spread awakening to the world.

Reverend Rebekah Carpenter

For over 25 years, I have traveled across the country and abroad as a keynote speaker, leadership and organizational development trainer and performing artist. I feel more privileged than I can express to have been able to spread the message of permanent awakening and help individuals and organizations come out of their protective cocoons and fly.

We need to be as awake as possible right now.

Now is the time in our history for us to awaken and come together as a community to take back our national and global integrity. Now is the time in our history for us to awaken and step out of our man-made dramas that distract us from living in the present, from being able to question and critically think, from living and stepping into our authentic greatness and from designing our 1ives based on who we really are. When we live from an awakened, authentically powerful place, our leadership has less of an ability to sell us something that is not in our best interests. When anyone comes along that is promoting hatred, gossip, oppression or injustice, we speak up for what is right. We negotiate and communicate more peacefully and fairly. We support each other’s greatness. We help each other soar.
At the end of the introduction in my book I say:

“Once you experience permanent awakening you become part of a larger group of people from all over the world who are also experiencing permanent: awakening.

As one person, one relationship and one organization at a time experience permanent awakening in different parts of the world, a ripple effect and connection occurs between them. A global AWAKENING MOVEMENT is ignited. This movement gains momentum as more and more people across the globe become role models for their children and grandchildren of happy, fulfilled, passionate, productive human beings. Personal and professional relationships become more peaceful, harmonious, vibrant, and open to healthy negotiation. This increases the possibilities for global harmony and leaves the world a better place for generations to come.”

I look forward to meeting you and partnering with you to spread permanent awakening to people across the globe.


Rev. Rebekah Carpenter, M. DIV, M.A. Professional Bio

Reverend Rebekah Carpenter has spent over twenty-five years creating and presenting leadership development initiatives for corporations, colleges, public and private schools, businesses, non-profit organizations and churches. Early in her career, Rebekah began noticing that most leadership initiatives soon became “flavor of the month” – forgotten and replaced with the next new shiny program – all offering at best, temporary results and empowerment. Rebekah’s mission became to develop leadership development keynotes, seminars, author a book Awakening – 12 Tools to Unlock Ultimate Potential and a Facilitator’s Guide for small groups, that all take people beyond surface learning, into true absorption of leadership material taught and presented – holistically, consistently and more permanently opening up critical thinking, innovation, vitality, creativity, teamwork, accountability, authentic passion and inspired productivity.

After 15 years in the field of leadership development, Rebekah wanted to further explore how suppressing critical thinking, innovation, creativity, imagination and authentic passion and potential begins in childhood. Rebekah entered a Master’s Program in Psychology at the University of West GA. Her research was primarily focused around the school systems, where some of this early suppression can begin. Rebekah’s mission became to not only keep children, youth and adults from becoming simply “downloaders/memorizers” of information, rule followers and obedient workers, but she also wanted to create transformative environments where all can regularly connect to their ability to critically think, to question, to be innovative, creative, collaborative, and most importantly, authentically passionate leaders in today’s world.

Lastly, one short, intuitive and deeply spiritual occurrence shifted and deepened Rebekah’s journey even further. While at home, a brief flash of an intuitive message went through Rebekah’s mind and heart: “death and rebirth” – ‘This’ is what you have been doing and what I want you to continue doing. Rebekah began to more intentionally frame all of her leadership keynotes and seminars around the idea of dying to the old (outdated beliefs, paradigms, identities, relationships), then in that clean space, discovering one’s voice, gifts, authentic identities, passions and purposes, and then rising to the new by designing and rebirthing ones’ life based on these discoveries. Not surprisingly, soon after this, the call to seminary emerged. During this precious seminary time, Rebekah deepened her study of the bible, deepened her study of Jesus’ powerful, world changing journey of living, dying and resurrecting – embodying “death and rebirth” in the most profound way possible. Now as an ordained minister in the PCUSA church, Rebekah continues leading churches and advising organizational leaders of all types about how to model, practice and embody “death and rebirth” in all parts of their lives, creating more critically thinking, innovate, and authentically passionate leaders – fully awake to who God designed them to be – so they can be in service to the church and the world during this critical time in history.
Formal Education

2017 Columbia Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (Received Paul Dixon Church History award at Graduation)

2004 University of West GA, Carrollton, GA
Master of Arts – Psychology and Organizational Development (Research focused on holistic development for children/youth/adults that opens critical thinking, ingenuity, creativity, vitality and a deeper connection to one’s purpose)

1988 Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, NC
Bachelor of Arts – Music

1986 Brevard College, Brevard, NC
Junior College Diploma